About Us
Business longevity is the key sign of integrity for a potential customer— especially when the purchase being contemplated is a new home. Miller Homes enjoys the kind of business longevity rarely found among home builders today. Founded by the father and son precision carpenter team of Sam and Shelly Miller and now guided by brothers Scott and Ron Miller, this family-operated company has built quality custom homes for satisfied customers for over 80 years.
Local Charitable Events
Miller Homes is also a good citizen of each of the communities in which it is building having donated funds as well as time and materials to local charitable events.
Kids at Heart
In March of 2008, Miller Homes hosted a “Kids at Heart” event at its Sterling Lakes’ model homes offering its Sterling Lakes development as a drop-off point for donated gifts. Eventually the “Kids at Heart” campaign netted $475,000 in total gift donations at the May 3, 2008 Heart Gala Celebration.
American Heart Gala
In 2007, Miller Homes built and donated a 75 sq. ft. Victorian Dream Playhouse which was auctioned off at the May 2007 American Heart Gala.
American Heart Association
Miller Homes has had an active involvement with the American Heart Association chiefly through long-time friend and mortgage broker par excellence Nancy Levine, who has been actively engaged with the organization for several years.